
geçim nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə geçim nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. living, bread, livelihood, keep, upkeep, subsistence, sustentation, getting along
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\"living, livelihood, subsistence, maintenance, bread and butter; getting on with somebody, harmony, compatibility\"

1. a living, livelihood. 2. getting along with one another, harmony. - derdi the struggle to make a living. - dünyası. proverb 1. In this world you have to think first of how you´re going to support yourself. 2. One must try to get along with others. - genişliği affluence and ease. - indeksi cost of living index. - kapısı place where one earns one´s living. - masrafı cost of living. - sıkıntısı/zorluğu bad straits. - yolu means of livelihood, bread and butter.

a. living, livelihood, subsistence, maintenance, bread and butter kon.; getting on with somebody, harmony, compatibility geçim derdi struggle to earn a living geçim indeksi cost of living index geçim yolu means of subsistence

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