
fikir nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə fikir nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. thought, belief, concept, idea, opinion, mind, advice, suggestion, attitude, cogitation, conceit, conception, estimation, hint, impression, inspiration, notion, position, thinking, verdict, view, voice, sentiments
pref. ideo
* * *
1. idea
2. counsel (n.)

\"thought, idea, opinion; advice, counsel\"

\",-kri thought, idea, opinion. -imce in my opinion. -ini açmak to express one´s opinion. - adamı intellectual, savant. - alışverişi/teatisi exchange of views. - almak /dan/, -ini almak /ın/ to get (someone´s) opinion. - beyan etmek to give an opinion. - edinmek to have an idea; to form an opinion (about). - hareketleri movements of thought. - işçisi white-collar worker. -inde olmak to be of the opinion; to have the intention (of). -i sabit fixed idea, idée fixe. - vermek 1. to express one´s opinion. 2. /a/ to suggest a course of action (to someone). - yormak to ponder, think hard, rack one´s brains. - yürütmek to put forward an idea, state one´s opinion.\"

[T fikir, Az fikir, Tk pikir, from Ar] : thought

a. thought, idea, opinion; advice, counsel fikir ayrılığı division fikir birliği consensus fikir edinmek to form an opinion about fikir yürütmek to put forward an idea

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