
fare nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə fare nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. mouse, rat, house mouse
* * *
1. dormouse
2. house mouse
3. mice
4. mouse
5. rat

mouse, rat

1. house mouse. 2. brown rat. 3. comp. mouse. -ler cirit oynamak /da/ (for a place) to be deserted, be desolate. - deliğe sığmamış, bir de kuyruğuna kabak bağlamış. colloq. 1. He has taken on some new responsibilities and he can´t handle what he already has. 2. He himself was unwelcome, and then he brought a friend along. - deliği 1. mouse hole. 2. hiding place. - düşse, başı yarılır. colloq. There´s not a crumb/drop left in the pantry/barrel. - kapanı mousetrap. - zehiri rat poison.

a. mouse, rat fare kapanı mousetrap fare kuyruğu eğe taper file fare zehiri rat poison

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