
ezmek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə ezmek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. crush, pound, mash, weigh down, domineer, run over, run down, bray, comminute, crunch, grind, hold down, knock over, mangle, oppress, overbear, overwhelm, pulverize, quash, scrunch, smash, squash, squeeze, squelch, squish, stamp, stave in
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\"to crush, to pound; to mash; to squeeze, to squash, to liquidize; (arabayla) to run over; to tread, to trample; to oppress, to tyrannize; to overwhelm, to suppress, to trounce; to defeat, to massacre\"

\"/ı/ 1. to crush, squash (fruit). 2. to grind, triturate. 3. to mash, purée. 4. to crush in, smash in; to dent in. 5. to run over, hit and knock down. 6. to crush and dissolve. 7. to depress, lower the spirits of. 8. to oppress, grind down, beat down, trample on (someone, a group, etc.). 9. to wear down, weary. 10. to defeat, crush, beat down. 11. slang to spend (money). Ez de suyunu iç. colloq. It is absolutely worthless.\"

e. to crush, to pound; to mash; to squeeze, to squash, to liquidize; (arabayla) to run over; to tread, to trample; to oppress, to tyrannize; to overwhelm, to suppress, to trounce; to defeat, to massacre ezip geçmek to walk over sb kon.

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə ezmek sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki ezmek sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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