
etli nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə etli nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. with meat, beefy, meaty, plump, fleshy, pulpy, sarcous, succulent
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1. fleshy
2. meaty

\"fleshy, plump; (meyve) pulpy, fleshy; containing meat, meaty\"

1. containing meat, cooked with pieces of meat. 2. meaty, fleshy (animal). 3. plump, rotund, corpulent (person). 4. thick, full, rounded. 5. fleshy, pulpy (fruit). 6. succulent (plant). - bitki succulent plant, succulent. - börek pastry filled with ground meat. - butlu plump (woman). - canlı plump and robust. - ekmek flat bread baked together with ground meat and tomatoes. - meyve fleshy and juicy fruit. -ye sütlüye karışmamak to avoid getting involved. - yaprak bot. fleshy leaf.

s. fleshy, plump; (meyve) pulpy, fleshy; containing meat, meaty etli börek meat pie etli butlu plump, buxom övg. etli canlı plump and robust etliye sütlüye karışmamak to keep one's nose clean

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