
denk nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə denk nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. balanced, equal, equivalent, well-matched, coequal
n. bale, large package, equal, match, matching, coequal, counterpoise
* * *
1. coequal
2. counter balanced
3. counterweight
4. equal
5. counterbalanced (adj.)
6. counterbalance (n.)
7. counterpoise (n.)

\"bale; counterpoise; equal, match, peer; equal; suitable, timely\"

,-gi 1. equal, in equilibrium, balancing, in trim. 2. suitable, timely, appropriate. 3. match, peer, equal. -i dengine each with its equal. - düşmek/gelmek to be suitable, be timely. - getirmek /ı/ 1. to introduce (something) at the right time. 2. to carry out (something) in a suitable manner. -ine getirmek /ı/ to choose the right moment, seize the occasion (for). -iyle karşılamak /ı/ to reciprocate.

[T denk, Az tän, Tk deng, from denemää] : equal

a. bale; counterpoise; equal, match, peer ¤ s. equal; suitable, timely denk empedans matched impedance denk etmek to pack denk gelmek a) to be suitable b) to suit, to fit c) to run into, to come across denk getirmek a) to choose to right time, to act in the right time b) to hit (a target) denk olmak to be equal denk şebeke equivalent network

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