
dehşet nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə dehşet nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. terror, fright, horror, dread, fear, frightfulness, alarm, consternation, dismay, funk, trepidation
* * *
1. dread
2. dread (n.)

\"terror, horror, fear, alarm, dread, consternation; super, terrific\"

\",-ti 1. terror; horror. 2. Wow! 3. tremendous, amazing, extraordinary. -e düşmek/kapılmak to be struck with terror or horror. - saçmak to spread terror.\"

a. terror, horror, fear, alarm, dread, consternation ¤ s, kon. super, terrific dehşet saçmak to spread terror dehşet verici dreadful, fearful, grisly dehşete düşmek (kapılmak) to be horrified, to be terrified, to be appalled dehşete düşürmek to horrify, to terrify, to appal

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