
dayanmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə dayanmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. last, endure, resist, go on, survive, hang on, hold on, stand, bear up, take, take it, tolerate, withstand, lean, lean upon, rest, rest against, rely on, rely upon, be based on, stand on, abut, bear up against, bear with, brook, consist, found
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1. bear
2. lean

\"to lean; to be based on; to resist; to endure, to bear, to bear up, to stand, to put up with; to stomach; to withstand, to hold out, to last; to push, to press, to shove; to arrive, to reach; to rely on\"

\"1. /a/ to lean on/against; to lean against (something) hard (in order to move it or break it); to bear down on (something). 2. /a/ to be supported by, be buttressed by, be shored up by. 3. /a/ to rely on, trust in. 4. /a/ to be based on, be founded on. 5. to last, endure; /a/ to weather, survive, last out. 6. /a/ to hold out (against); to persevere. 7. /a/ to endure, bear, stand; to put up with. 8. /a/ to reach, get to, arrive at. 9. (for food) to keep, not to spoil. 10. /a/ (for an undesirable situation) to affect (someone), land on (someone´s) doorstep.\"

e. to lean; to be based on; to resist; to endure, to bear, to bear up, to stand, to put up with; to stomach; to withstand, to hold out, to last; to push, to press, to shove; to arrive, to reach; to rely on dayanacak gücü kalmamak to be at the end of one's tether

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