
çürük nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə çürük nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. rotten, carious (tooth), unsound, bad, decayed, dickey, dicky, draft exempt, feeble, flimsy, putrefacient, putrefactive, putrid, rocky, sleazy, wonky
n. cavity, tooth decay, decay, dry rot, bruise, contusion
çürük (eşya)
adj. rickety
* * *
1. carious
2. contusion
3. putrid
4. rotten
5. spoiling (n.)
6. rotten (adj.)
7. bruised (adj.)
8. bruise (n.)

\"rotten, putrid; decayed, carious; (yumurta) addled; flimsy, jerry-built, unstable, unsound, wonky; unfounded, untenable; unfit for service, disabled; bruise\"

\"1. rotten, decayed. 2. not well made, unstable, not up to specifications. 3. without a reasonable basis, unfounded; untenable. 4. bruise, discoloration, black-and-blue spot. 5. slang whore, prostitute. - çarık worn-out; dilapidated. -e çıkarmak /ı/ 1. to discharge (a soldier) as unfit for duty. 2. to discard (something) as useless. -/çürüğe çıkmak 1. (for a soldier) to be discharged as unfit for duty. 2. to be discarded as useless. - gaz auto. exhaust fumes. - para/akçe worthless coin. - su naut. dead water. - tahtaya basmak to fall into a trap. - yumurta rotten egg.\"

s. rotten, putrid; decayed, carious; (yumurta) addled; flimsy, jerry-built, unstable, unsound, wonky İİ.; unfounded, untenable; ask. unfit for service, disabled ¤ a. bruise çürüğe çıkarılmak to be invalid out of the army çürüğe çıkarmak to invalid sb out of the army çürük buhar tek. waste steam, exhaust steam, dead steam çürük çıkmak a) to turn out rotten b) to prove to be untrue çürük gaz tek. waste gas çürük tahtaya basmak to fall into a trap

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