
çiçek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə çiçek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. floral
n. flower, blossom, smallpox
* * *
1. flower
2. blossom (n.)
3. blossome (n.)
4. bloom (n.)
5. flower (n.)

\"flower; blossom, bloom; smallpox; floral\"

\"1. flower, blossom, bloom. 2. flowering plant, flower; ornamental plant. 3. smallpox. 4. chem. flowers, (a) sublimate: kükürt çiçeği flowers of sulfur. 5. colloq. loose woman, sexually promiscuous woman. 6. colloq. charming scoundrel; charming woman who is up to no good. - açmak to bloom, flower, blossom. - aşısı 1. smallpox vaccine. 2. smallpox vaccination. - bahçesi flower garden. -i burnunda (çamuru karnında) 1. garden-fresh, very fresh (fruit, vegetable). 2. fresh, hot (piece of news). 3. (someone) who is a rank newcomer to (a job): çiçeği burnunda bir gazeteci a cub reporter. - çıkarmak to break out with smallpox. - durumu bot. inflorescence. - dürbünü kaleidoscope. - gibi 1. very clean and neat. 2. very neat and attractive. - tarhı flower bed. - vermek to bloom, flower, blossom. \"

a. flower; blossom, bloom; hek. smallpox ¤ sg. floral çiçeği burnunda a) fresh b) very young çiçek açmak to flower, to bloom, to blossom çiçek demeti posy çiçek dürbünü kaleidoscope çiçek gibi very clean çiçek sapı shank çiçek soğanı bulb çiçek tarhı flowerbed çiçek vermek to flower

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