
çatışma nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə çatışma nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. clash, battle, run in, conflict, disagreement, brush, coincidence, collision, rencontre, scrimmage, skirmish
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\"skirmish, clash; conflict; collision\"

\"1. clash, encounter, fight (either verbal or armed). 2. mil. skirmish. 3. psych., fiction conflict. - çıkmak 1. for an armed fight or skirmish to take place. 2. for a verbal skirmish to take place. -ya girmek /la/ 1. (for one person) to enter into an armed fight with (another); (for one group) to begin to skirmish with (another). 2. (for one person) to enter into a verbal skirmish with, cross swords with (another). \"

a. skirmish, clash; conflict; collision

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