
çaresiz nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə çaresiz nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. irremediable, inevitable, incurable, irredeemable, past retrieve, beyond retrieve, remediless, without means, desperate, despairing, helpless, irreparable, shiftless
n. past cure
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1. irremediable
2. irreparable

\"helpless, without means; irreparable, incurable; inevitably\"

1.incurable (disease). 2. (problem, situation) for which no solution or remedy exists or seems to exist, desperate. 3. (someone) who is in desperate straits. 4. used to indicate the unavoidable nature of an action: Çaresiz gittim. I had no choice but to go. - kalmak to be in desperate straits.

s. helpless, without means; irreparable, incurable ¤ be. inevitably çaresiz bırakmak to render helpless çaresiz kalmak to find no way out

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