
boğaz nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə boğaz nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. Bosphorus, strait which separates the Asian and European parts of Turkey, strait which connects the Black Sea to the Marmara Sea
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1. fauces
2. throat

the Bosphorus

see Boğaziçi.

a. the Bosphorus a. throat; gullet, esophagus; (şişe) neck; pass, defile; coğ. strait; kon. keep boğaz ağrısı sore throat boğaz mikrofonu throat microphone boğaz tokluğuna çalışmak to work for one's board boğazı ağrımak to have a sore throat boğazı düğümlenmek to have a lump in one's throat boğazı gıcıklanmak to have a tickle in one's throat boğazı yanmak to have a sore throat boğazına dizilmek to lose one's appetite (due to worry) boğazına düşkün gourmet, gluttonous boğazına sarılmak to clasp sb by the throat, to clutch sb's throat boğazında kalmak to stick in one's throat boğazından kesmek to cut down expenses on food boğazını sıkmak to throttle, to choke, to strangle

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