
bayılmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə bayılmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. blackout, faint, swoon, pass out; be fond of, adore, conk, lose consciousness, be enamored of, enthuse, fall for, be taken by, be taken with
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\"to faint, to pass out, to swoon; to swoon (over sb/sth),\" \"to love, to adore, to go crazy over, to be fond of, to fall for, to dote on sb/sth, be enamoured of sb/sth; (money) to pay up, to shell out, to cough up\"

1. to faint. 2. to feel faint. 3. /a/ to be thrilled (with), be enraptured (by), like greatly. 4. (for a plant) to droop. 5. /ı/ slang to pay (money). bayıla bayıla willingly, with great joy.

e. to faint, to pass out, to swoon esk.; kon. to swoon (over sb/sth), to love, to adore, to go crazy over, to be fond of, to fall for, to dote on sb/sth, be enamoured of sb/sth; arg. (money) to pay up, to shell out, to cough up bayıla bayıla willingly, eagerly

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