
batmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə batmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. sink, submerge, set, go bankrupt, break, burst up, cave, crash, decline, dip, fail, founder, go down, gravitate, hang, plunge, slide into, be swamped with, go under, wane, be on the wane
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\"to sink; to submerge; (gemi) to founder, to go down, to go under; (güneþ, ay) to set, to go down; to go bankrupt, to go under, to go bust\" \" iflas etmek; to prick; to get dirty; to hurt, to offend; to be ruined; to disturb\"

\"1. to sink; /a/ to sink into. 2. (for the sun, moon, or stars) to set. 3. to decline, decay, go to ruin, go to the dogs; to come to an end, cease to be. 4. /a/ to get covered in: Toza battık! We´re covered in dust. 5. (for one´s clothes) to get dirty, be a mess. 6. to go into a financial decline; to go bankrupt, go broke. 7. to lose (money, wealth) (owing to mismanagement, another´s dishonesty): Paramın çoğu battı. I lost most of my money. 8. /a/ (for one thing) to pierce, enter, or prick (another): Parmağıma diken battı. I´ve got a thorn in my finger. 9. (for wool, etc.) to scratch, prickle, feel prickly to one´s skin. 10. /a/ to hurt, wound (someone´s feelings). 11. /a/ (for something desirable) to make (someone) uncomfortable: Sana rahat batmış. It looks like the good life has gotten to be too much for you. Battı balık yan gider. colloq. Things are such a mess that there is no use trying to do anything. bata çıka (reaching a place, making one´s way) by slogging (through or as if through mud).\"

e. to sink; to submerge; (gemi) to founder, to go down, to go under; (güneş, ay) to set, to go down; kon. to go bankrupt, to go under, to go bust * iflas etmek; to prick; to get dirty; to hurt, to offend; to be ruined; to disturb bata çıka gitmek to rub along bata çıka with difficulty battı balık yan gider in for a penny, in for a pound

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