
alçı nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə alçı nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. plaster, plaster of paris, cast
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plaster, plaster of Paris

\"1. gypsum plaster, plaster (as a powder or a solidified mass); plaster of Paris (as a powder or a solidified mass). 2. made of gypsum plaster, plaster; made of plaster of Paris, plaster of Paris. - kabartma (an) ornament made of gypsum plaster. - kalıp plaster mold. -ya koymak /ı/ to put (a limb) in a plaster cast. - sıva (wet) gypsum plaster.\"

a. plaster, plaster of Paris; hek. plaster cast alçı işi plastering alçı kalıbı gypsum cast alçı sıva gypsum plaster alçıya almak to encase in plaster alçıya koymak to put in a plaster cast

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