
akmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə akmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. flow, run, discharge, leak, course, drain, drain away, drain off, fall into, issue, pour, pour out, run down, run out, sluice, stream, well forth, well out, well up; splutter (as a pen)
* * *
1. flow
2. run

\"to flow, to drain, to trickle; to leak; to run down, to overflow\"

\"1. to flow. 2. to leak, be leaky. 3. (for a faucet, water) to run; to run down; to overflow. 4. slang to slip away, escape inconspicuously. 5. to come in great amounts or in great crowds. 6. (for cloth) to wear out and fray. Akmasa da damlar. proverb It brings in at least a little money. Akacak kan damarda durmaz. proverb You can´t escape fate. akan sular durmak to be indisputable, be beyond contradiction. \"

e. to flow, to drain, to trickle; to leak; to run down, to overflow akıp gitmek (zaman) to elapse res.

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