
af nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə af nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. mercy, pardon, forgiving, forgiveness, excusing; dismissal, act of grace, oblivion, remission, Amnesty
* * *
1. forgiveness
2. pardon
3. remittal

\"forgiveness, pardon; amnesty; exemption; dismissal, discharge\"

\",-ffı 1. forgiveness; pardon. 2. exemption. 3. dismissal, discharge. - buyurun! Pardon me! Excuse me! - dilemek /dan/ to apologize to, beg (someone´s) pardon. -ını dilemek/istemek /dan, ın/ to ask (someone) to relieve or exempt (one) from (a job); to ask to be relieved or exempted from (a job): Veznedarlıktan affını istedi. He asked to be relieved of the treasurership. Müdür beyden affını diledi. She has asked the principal to exempt her. - kapsamına girmek to fall within the purview of a pardon, be affected by a pardon. -ına sığınmak /ın/ to trust that (someone) will pardon one (a polite formula). -a uğramak to be pardoned. \"

[T af, from Ar] : pardon

a. forgiveness, pardon; amnesty; exemption; dismissal, discharge af dilemek to apologize (to sb), to beg pardon affa uğramak to be pardoned

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