
açmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə açmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. open, elaborate, open up, uncover, unclose, unwrap, clear away, clear, clear up, expand, open out, spread out, unfold, unfurl, untie, undo, unbind, unlock, turn on, switch on, ring up, disclose, sharpen, whet, bring up in conversation
açmak (hava)
interj. clear off
açmak (iğne)
v. unpin
açmak (kangal)
v. uncurl
açmak (kartlarını)
v. lead
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\"to open; to uncover, to bare; to unpack; to unwind; to unroll; to unfold; to unlock, to unbar, to unlatch; (radyo, ýþýk vb.) to turn sth on, to switch sth on, to put sth on; (sesini) to turn up;(hamur) to roll out; (iþyeri) to open sth up;(konu, tartýþma\"

\"1. /ı/ to open. 2. /ı/ to open up, cut through (and make a door or window in a wall). 3. /ı/ to construct and open (a road). 4. /ı/ to clear away, break through (an obstruction) and open. 5. /ı/ to draw aside, lift, drop (a veil, a covering). 6. /ı/ to clear (land), break up (ground). 7. /ı/ to uncover. 8. /ı/ to open out, spread out, unfold. 9. /ı/ to set, spread (a sail); to unfurl (a flag). 10. /ı/ to roll out (dough). 11. /ı/ to untie, undo (a knot). 12. /ı/ to unlock; to unbar, unlatch. 13. /ı/ to turn on, switch on. 14. /ı/ to widen (an interval, the space between). 15. /ı/ to explain more fully. 16. /ı/ to begin, open (war, a meeting, a conversation). 17. /ı/ to disclose. 18. /ı/ to lighten (a color or the general effect of a room). 19. /ı/ to suit, go well with (a person); to lighten (a person´s complexion). 20. /ı/ to sharpen (a pencil). 21. /ı/ to whet, sharpen (one´s appetite). 22. /ı/ to relieve, free (one) from embarrassment or shyness. 23. (for a flower or leaf) to open. 24. (for weather) to clear up, become good. 25. slang to go away, clear out. 26. /ı/ slang to appeal (to). Açtı ağzını, yumdu gözünü. colloq. He lost his temper and hollered./He flew off the handle.\"

e. to open; to uncover, to bare; to unpack; to unwind; to unroll; to unfold; to unlock, to unbar, to unlatch; (radyo, ışık vb.) to turn sth on, to switch sth on, to put sth on; (sesini) to turn up; (hamur) to roll out; (işyeri) to open sth up;(konu, tartışma vb.) to begin, to open, to broach; (savaş, mücadele) to wage; to amplify, to explain more fully; (düğüm vb.) to untie, to undo, to untangle; (delik) to drill; (yol/tünel) to cut; (sır) to confide; to appeal (to sb); to please, to amuse; (giysi) to suit, to become; to sharpen, to whet res.; (çiçek) to bloom, to blossom; (hava) to clear up; (yelken) to unfurl

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