
acı nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə acı nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. hot, very warm; bitter, peppery, brackish, acrid, biting; painful, sad, sorrowful, lamentable, grievous, tragic, sardonic, scathing, shrill, splitting, harsh, severe, incisive, trenchant
n. pain; ache, hurt, sting, gnawing, suffering, worry, heartbreak, sorrow, grief, misery, affliction, anguish, distress, pang
* * *
1. acerb
2. acrid
3. acrimonious
4. bitter
5. brackish
6. commiserate with
7. deplore
8. feel for
9. nippy
10. poignancy
11. suffering (n.)
12. mercy (v.)
13. pain (n.)

\"(biber) hot; (kahve, bira vb.) bitter; (yað) rancid; (koku/tat) acrid, sharp, biting, pungent; (söz) hurtful, cutting, tart, harsh, caustic, pungent, biting; (baðýrýþ) sharp, shrill, piercing;(üzücü) grievous, poignant, tragic, pitiful; pain, ache, pang,\"

\"1. pain, ache. 2. bitterness, sharpness. 3. grief, sorrow (at someone´s death): Allah bu acıyı unutturmasın! May God spare you more grief! 4. mental pain, anguish, suffering, sorrow. -sını almak /ın/ 1. to take the hot, bitter, or biting taste out of (a food). 2. to stop the pain in (a wound or hurt). 3. to assuage, soothe (a sorrow). -sını bağrına basmak/içine gömmek to hide one´s distress or sorrow. - çekmek/duymak to suffer (physically or mentally). -sını çekmek /ın/ to pay the penalty of, pay for, suffer for. -sını çıkarmak /ın/ 1. to take away the hot, bitter, or biting taste of (a food). 2. to make up for, compensate for. 3. to make (someone) suffer for, make (someone) pay for (a wrong). -sı çıkmak /ın/ to suffer the consequences of, suffer for, pay for (an action) (at a given time): Bunun acısı er geç çıkar. Sooner or later you´ll have to suffer for this. - dil harsh words, biting words; reproach. - gelmek /a/ to hurt, distress. -sını görmek /ın/ to suffer the death of (someone one loves). -sı içine/yüreğine çökmek/işlemek /ın/ 1. to feel acutely the (mental) pain of (something). 2. to be tormented by (a possibility). - katmak/koymak /a/ to add a peppery seasoning to (a food). -sı tepesine çıkmak to suffer acutely (physically or mentally). - yitimi analgesia. \"

s. (biber) hot; (kahve, bira vb.) bitter; (yağ) rancid; (koku/tat) acrid, sharp, biting, pungent; (söz) hurtful, cutting, tart, harsh, caustic, pungent, biting; (bağırış) sharp, shrill, piercing; (üzücü) grievous, poignant, tragic, pitiful ¤ a. pain, ache, pang, affliction; agony, sorrow, distress, heartbreak, anguish, suffering, grief acı biber hot pepper acı çekmek to suffer, to grieve, to be in pain acı çektirmek to grieve, to persecute, to torment, to distress acı gelmek to find sth hurtful acı gerçek a home truth acı görmüş who has suffered acı ilaç mec. a bitter pill acı kahve coffee made without sugar acı kuvvet brute force Acı patlıcanı kırağı çalmaz A worthless vessel does not get broken acı soğuk bitter cold acı söylemek to tell the painful truth bluntly acı söz harsh words, biting words, cut, lash acı su hard water, brackish water acı tuz epsom salt acı tatlı good and bad acı yitimi analgesia * analjezi acı vermek to afflict, to inflict pain, to trouble, to give sb pain acısını çekmek to pay the penalty (of an action), to suffer for it acısını çıkarmak to be/get even (with sb), to vent sth on sb/sth, to have/get one's own back on kon. acısını paylaşmak to commiserate (with sb) res.

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