
ıkınmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə ıkınmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

\"to hold one\'s breath while straining; to exert one\'s strength when bearing a child or defecating\"

\"1. to strain (while defecating). 2. (for a woman in childbirth) to push (i.e. to contract her muscles in order to help the baby move downward). ıkına sıkına colloq. 1. with great effort, with great difficulty, very laboriously. 2. very shyly and self-consciously, in a painfully shy way, with a shyness painful to see; very shyly and awkwardly. ıkınıp sıkınmak colloq. to struggle mightily, make a tremendous effort.\"

e. to hold one's breath while straining; to exert one's strength when bearing a child or defecating ıkına sıkına with great effort ıkınıp sıkınmak to grunt and strain

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