
tebdil nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə tebdil nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

change, alteration

\"1. changing; alteration; replacement; exchange. 2. in disguise (in clothes which conceal one´s true identity). - etmek /ı/ to change; to alter; to replace; to exchange. - gezmek to go around in disguise. -i kıyafet etmek to disguise oneself. -i mekân etmek to move; to move house. -i mekânda ferahlık var/vardır. proverb It´s good to have a change of scene from time to time.\"

a. change, alteration tebdil etmek to change, to alter tebdil gezmek to go about in disguise tebdili kıyafet disguise

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