
münasebet nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə münasebet nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

\"relation, connection; intercourse; occasion\"

\",-ti 1. relation (between people or nations). 2. connection, relation; tie-in: bu münasebetle in this connection/in this regard/ as regards this. 3. favorable occasion or opportunity. 4. reason; means: Bu münasebetle sizi tebrik etmek istiyorum. It´s for this that I want to congratulate you. 5. appropriateness, fitness. -iyle owing to, on the occasion of, because of: Ramazan münasebetiyle lokantamız kapalıdır. Our restaurant is closed because of the Ramazan fast. - almaz. It doesn´t befit the occasion./It´s not the right time for it. -te bulunmak /la/ 1. to be connected with; to have relations with, have dealings with. 2. to have sexual intercourse with, go to bed with. - düşmek for the right occasion/moment to present itself/arise. -ini getirmek to find the right moment to say something. -e girmek /la/ to establish a relationship with, have dealings with, have something to do with. - kurmak /la/ 1. to establish a relationship with, have dealings with, have something to do with. 2. to see a connection between, perceive a relationship between.\"

a. relation, connection; intercourse; occasion münasebetiyle on the occasion of

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə münasebet sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki münasebet sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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