
götürü nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə götürü nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

by the piece, by the job, in the lump, by contract, in bulk

\"1. as a (job) lot. 2. by the piece, by the job. - almak /ı/ to buy as a job lot; to contract at a lump price. - çalışmak to do piecework; to work by the job. - eder/fiyat contract price; flat rate; job-lot price, lump price. - iş job work, piecework. - pazarlık contracting by the job; contracting for the whole lot. - ücret lot wages, job wages.\"

be. by the piece, by the job, in the lump, by contract, in bulk götürü almak to buy in the lump götürü çalışmak to do piecework götürü iş job work, piecework

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