
efendilik nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə efendilik nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

gentlemanly behaviour, politeness

\"1. gentlemanliness, gentlemanly behavior; polite and dignified behavior. 2. the status of a gentleman. 3. being a gentleman. 4. magnanimity; magnanimous act. 5. mastership, mastery, authority, control. 6. the status of a hodja. 7. being a hodja; behavior characteristic of a hodja. 8. Ottoman hist. the status of an effendi. 9. Ottoman hist. being an effendi; behavior characteristic of an effendi. - bende kalsın. I don´t want to be guilty of behaving rudely./I wish to be known as a gentleman/a lady: Efendilik bende kalsın diye ona aynı şekilde cevap vermedim. As I wish to be known as a gentleman I didn´t reply to him in kind. - etmek /a/ to behave magnanimously towards.\"

a. gentlemanly behaviour, politeness

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