
çırpınmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə çırpınmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. flutter, struggle, fuss about, flop

\"to flutter, to struggle, to flop about; to be all in a fluster, to bustle about\"

\"1. to struggle, twist and turn and move one´s arms and legs convulsively; to writhe. 2. (for a bird) to flutter its wings, flutter. 3. (for a hooked fish) to struggle; (for a fish that has been landed) to flop about. 4. (for the sea) to break in short and abrupt waves, be choppy, be chopping. 5. to be very anxious and worried, agonize. 6. to try hard, exert every effort.\"

e. to flutter, to struggle, to flop about; to be all in a fluster, to bustle about

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