
vade nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə vade nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. credit, date, deferment, expiration, expiry, matureness, maturity, prompt, tenor, time

\"settlement date, redemption date, maturity date; term, fixed term, fixed date; the day of reckoning, the fatal date\"

\"1. term, fixed period of time; prompt. 2. due date; date of maturity. 3. grace period, respite, delay, extension. 4. the time when one is fated to die, one´s hour of death. -si gelmek/yetmek /ın/ 1. to fall due. 2. (for a period of time) to be up, come to an end. 3. for (one´s) hour of death to be at hand.\"

a, tic. settlement date, redemption date, maturity date; term, fixed term, fixed date; mec. the day of reckoning, the fatal date vadesi dolmak to fall due, to come to maturity vadesi dolmuş mature vadesi geçmek to be overdue vadesi geçmiş overdue vadesi gelmek to fall due, to come to maturity vadesi gelmemiş undue vadesi gelmiş due vadesini uzatmak to prolong a term

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