
sökülmek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə sökülmek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. come unstitched, ravel, ravel out, come away, cough up, rip, slit
sökülmek (örgü)
v. unravel

\"to be uprooted; to be unstitched, to unravel; to pay up, to cough up, to shell out, to fork out\"

\"1. to be pulled up, uprooted, pulled out, ripped out, dismantled, unstitched or unraveled. 2. (for a garment) to split at a seam, rip. 3. /ı/ slang to shell out (money); to hand over (something valuable).\"

e. to be uprooted; to be unstitched, to unravel; arg. to pay up, to cough up, to shell out kon., to fork out kon.

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