
sökmek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə sökmek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. rip, unstitch, ravel, ravel out, rip off, undo, tear down, unfix, detach, demount, dismount, cut loose, disassemble, disjoint, dismantle, knock down, read, slit, take down, unpick, unrig
sökmek (şafak)
v. spring
sökmek (örgü)
v. unravel

\"to pull out, to pull up, to uproot; to tear down; to unravel, to rip, to unstitch; to take sth apart, to take sth down, to dismantle, to disassemble; to extract; to to decipher; to be able to read; to break through;\" \"to break; to be effective, to work\"

\"1. /ı/ to pull up; to uproot; to pull out; to rip out; to take out; to take down. 2. /ı/ to dismantle, take apart; to rip, undo, unstitch; to unravel. 3. /ı/ to get through or over (a place difficult of passage). 4 /ı/ to read, decipher (handwriting); to understand, get the meaning of (an abstruse passage). 5. /ı/ to learn to read (an alphabet); to learn (to read). 6. /ı/ (for a drug) to cause (mucus, urine, feces) to be discharged. 7. (for mucus, urine, feces) to begin to be discharged. 8. to begin to come one after the other. 9. to appear suddenly. 10. /a/ slang to make a dent on (someone), affect (someone): Cakan bana sökmez! Your big talk doesn´t cut any ice with me!\"

e. to pull out, to pull up, to uproot; to tear down; to unravel, to rip, to unstitch; to take sth apart, to take sth down, to dismantle, to disassemble; to extract; to decipher; to be able to read; to break through; to break; arg. to be effective, to work

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə sökmek sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki sökmek sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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