
savurmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə savurmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. blow about, scatter, brandish, bung, chuck, chuck away, dash, flap, fling, hurl, hurtle, swing
savurmak (küfür)
v. rip out
savurmak (tehdit vs.)
v. thunder
savurmak (tehdit)
v. throw out

\"to toss about, to throw about, to hurl, to fling; to winnow; to brandish, to wave around; to spend extravagantly\"

\"1. /ı/ to winnow (grain); to throw (something) into the air (as if winnowing). 2. /ı/ (for the wind, waves, a current) to drive (something) about; (for the wind, a current) to cause (something) to stream out or trail out at full length. 3. /ı/ to throw (something) violently, hurtle, hurl, fling. 4. /ı/ to brandish (a sword); to wield (an implement). 5. /ı/ to land (a blow, a kick). 6. /ı/ to fling, let fly (a curse); to tell (a lie); to talk (rot, claptrap). 7. /ı/ to dip a spoon into (a boiling liquid) and then to empty the spoon back into the pot (done to prevent the liquid from boiling over). 8. /ı/ to waste, spend prodigally. 9. to exaggerate; to brag.\"

e. to toss about, to throw about, to hurl, to fling; to winnow; to brandish, to wave around; to spend extravagantly

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə savurmak sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki savurmak sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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