
pestil nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə pestil nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. dried fruit pulp

dried layers of fruit pulp

thin sheet of sun-dried fruit pulp. -ini çıkarmak /ın/ colloq. 1. to beat (someone) to a pulp, beat the tar out of (someone). 2. to tire (someone) out completely, wear (someone) to a frazzle. 3. to crush (something) to a pulp. -i çıkmak colloq. to be dog-tired, be worn to a frazzle. - gibi olmak colloq. to be too tired to move, be worn to a frazzle.

a. dried layers of fruit pulp pestil gibi exhausted pestile çevirmek to tire out pestili çıkmak to be tired out pestilini çıkarmak a) to beat sb to a jelly b) to tire out, to exhaust

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