
patlatmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə patlatmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. make explode, make burst, make blow up, let off, set off, touch off, blast, blow up, bust, detonate, explode, pop, puncture

\"to blow up, to burst, to explode, to touch sth off, to set sth off, to detonate; (lastik) to puncture; to infuriate, to exasperate; to hit, to clout, to deal sb/sth a blow\"

\"1. /ı/ to blow up, explode. 2. /ı/ to cause (something) to burst open. 3. /ı/ to fire (a weapon). 4. /ı/ to drive (someone) crazy, make (someone) want to scream; to infuriate. 5. colloq. to land someone one in the kisser, give someone a punch in the face.\"

e. to blow up, to burst, to explode, to touch sth off, to set sth off, to detonate; (lastik) to puncture; to infuriate, to exasperate; to hit, to clout kon., to deal sb/sth a blow

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