
intikal nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə intikal nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. transmission, transition, succession

\"transition, passing, passage; change of place; understanding, comprehension; transfer (by) inheritance\"

,-li 1. change of place. 2. passing, passage, transition. 3. grasp, understanding, comprehension. 4. inferring, inference. 5. transfer (by inheritance or sale). - devresi transition period. - etmek 1. to pass to another place. 2. /ı/ to perceive, understand, grasp. 3. /a/ to pass (to someone) by inheritance, be inherited (by).

a. transition, passing, passage; change of place; understanding, comprehension; transfer (by) inheritance intikal devresi passing period intikal etmek to be inherited

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