
illet nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə illet nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. disease, malady, illness, ill

disease, illness, malady \" sayrýlýk, hastalýk; bad habit, addiction; cause, reason; nuisance, pest\"

\",-ti 1. chronic disease; chronic illness. 2. colloq. passion, mania, addiction: Bu caz çalma illetini nerede edindin? Where´d you get this passion for playing jazz? 3. colloq. problem, bug (in a machine): Bu televizyonun illeti ne? What´s wrong with this television? 4. bodily defect (such as the loss of a limb). 5. phil., law cause. 6. colloq. pain in the neck, a real pain (said of a very annoying person or thing). 7. colloq. (someone, something) who/which is a real pain. - etmek /ı/ to give (someone) a pain in the neck, give (someone) the pip, annoy (someone) greatly. - olmak /a/ to find (someone) a pain in the neck.\"

a. disease, illness, malady res. * sayrılık, hastalık; bad habit, addiction; fel. cause, reason; kon. nuisance, pest illet olmak to get mad, to get very angry, to chafe

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