
iktidar nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə iktidar nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. ability, capability, potency, power, capacity, potential

\"ability, capacity, power; government, power; (male) sexual potency, virility\"

\"1. power, ability, capacity: Vezirin seni nefyetmeye iktidarı var. The vizier has the power to exile you. Bu iş Âdem´in mali iktidarı üstünde. This job is beyond Âdem´s financial capacity. 2. political power. 3. (a) group that is in power, (a) government. 4. potency, ability of a male to perform sexual intercourse. -a gelmek (for a political party or its leader) to come into power. - mevkii (position of) being in power: Onun partisi iktidar mevkiine geldi. His party came into power. -da olmak (for a political party/leader) to be in power. -ında olmak to be able to, have the capacity to (do something); to have the power to (do something): Bunu yapmak iktidarındadır. He has the power to do this. - partisi pol. the party in power. - sahibi 1. (someone) who possesses the power or capacity to do something. 2. someone who possesses the power or capacity to do something.\"

a. ability, capacity, power; government, power; (male) sexual potency, virility iktidar partisi the party in power iktidara gelmek to come to power iktidarda olmak to be in power

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