
görüşmek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə görüşmek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. interview, have a talk with, meet, talk, discuss, negotiate, approach, argue, canvass, confer, consult, contact, parley, powwow, reason, see, get into touch, keep in touch

\"to see each other; to have an interview; to see, to contact; to talk sth over (with sb), to discuss, to negotiate, to debate, to consult (with sb)\"

\"1. /la/ to talk (with), chat (with), converse (with); /la/ to meet (someone) for a chat. 2. /la/ to visit, see. 3. to visit each other, see each other. 4. /ı/ to discuss, talk over, have a conversation about. 5. /la/ to have an interview with.\"

e. to see each other; to have an interview; to see, to contact; to talk sth over (with sb), to discuss, to negotiate, to debate, to consult (with sb) Görüşürüz See you later Sonra görüşürüz See you later

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