
gizli nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə gizli nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adj. hidden, concealed, secret, classified, confidential, esoteric, unknown, clandestine, covert, sealed, restricted, underground, arcane, back door, blind, closet, cryptic, cryptical, dark, disguised, furtive, hole and corner, hugger mugger, hush hush
adv. secretly, sneakingly, sub rosa, underground
n. camera
pref. crypto

\"hidden, concealed; secret, covert, clandestine, dark, surreptitious; confidential; classified; occult, arcane; furtive\"

\"1. hidden, concealed. 2. secret, confidential. 3. occult. 4. secretly. 5. in private, in camera. - alay irony; sarcasm. - araştırma intelligence, gathering secret information. - celse/duruşma law private hearing. - din taşımak 1. to hold a religious belief secretly. 2. to have secret convictions. - gizli secretly, in secret. -den gizliye secretly, in all secrecy. - görevli detective; secret agent. - kapaklı undercover, kept secret, clandestine, surreptitious. - oturum/celse secret session, closed session. - oy secret vote, vote by ballot. - pençe shoemaking half sole. - polis secret policeman. - sıtma 1. dormant malaria. 2. colloq. evil designer. - tutmak /ı/ to hide, keep (something) secret.\"

s. hidden, concealed; secret, covert, clandestine, dark, surreptitious hkr.; confidential; classified; occult, arcane; furtive gizli ajan secret agent, agent gizli celsede huk. in camera gizli cemiyet secret society gizli dinleme aygıtı bug gizli dosya biliş. hidden file gizli gizli secretly gizli görüntü latent image gizli haber alma teşkilatı secret service gizli ısı latent heat gizli kablo tesisatı concealed wiring gizli kapaklı clandestine, obscure gizli kırlangıç kuyruğu lap dovetail gizli kütük biliş. hidden file gizli mikrofon yerleştirmek to bug gizli mikrofon bug kon. gizli nötronlar latent neutrons gizli oturum/celse secret cession gizli oy secret vote gizli oylama ballot gizli polis teşkilatı secret police gizli tutmak to hide, to keep secret, to hush up gizli zaman latent period gizlisi saklısı olmamak to lay one's card on the table, to put one's cards on the table

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