
filan nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə filan nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

adv. and so on
conj. or so

\"so and so; and such like, et cetera\"

\"colloq. 1. so-and-so. 2. a certain person, you know who. 3. what´s his name; what´s her name. 4. around, roughly, approximately, or so: Otuz kişi filan gitti. Thirty or so people left. Otuz eylülde filan olacak. It´ll be on the thirtieth of September or thereabouts. 5. and people such as they, Brit. and co.; and such, and so forth, and so on, and what have you, and what not; et cetera, etc.: Amerikalılar, Fransızlar, Ruslar filan geldiler. The Americans, the French, the Russians, and so on have come. Cumhurbaşkanlarıyla, başbakanlarla filan tanışmış bir adamım ben. I´m a man who´s met presidents, prime ministers, and such. - falan/festekiz/feşmekân/fıstık/fistan/fişman 1. given people, these people, given things, these things. 2. and people such as they, and that lot; and what have you, and what not; etc. 3. such and such: Filan falan günlerde filan falan şehrimizi ziyaret edecek. On such and such days such and such people will visit our city.\"

[T filan, Az filan, Tk pilan, from Ar] : someone

s, a. so and so; and such like, et cetera filan falan and so on

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