
felek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə felek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. fate, destiny

fate, destiny

1. firmament, heavens. 2. the universe. 3. fate, destiny. 4. see felenk. -ten bir gün/gece çalmak to have a very enjoyable day/evening. -in çemberinden geçmiş (someone) who has been through the mill, who has had his ups and downs in life. -ten kâm almak to have a very good time. -e küsmek to be downhearted, be sick at heart. -in sillesine uğramak/-in sillesini yemek to suffer the blows of misfortune. - yâr olursa if all goes well.

a. fate, destiny felekten bir gece çalmak to make a night of it felekten bir gün çalmak to go on a spree, to go on a binge, to go to town

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