
dökülmek nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə dökülmek nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. be poured, fall into, fall out, fall off, pour forth, pour out, spill, fall into decay, go to pieces, feel cheap, come off, course, disembogue, disgorge, drape, empty, fall, flow, molder, moulder, rub off, run down, slop over, teem
dökülmek (deri)
v. peel, peel off
dökülmek (kalıba)
v. pour
dökülmek (yorgunluktan)
v. trail

\"to spill, to pour, to slop; to be shed; to be cast; to fall into ruin, to disintegrate; (ýrmak) to flow into; to spill over\"

\"1. to be poured out, be spilled, be thrown away; (for leaves, hair) to be shed. 2. /a/ (for people) to go out in large numbers, pour out (onto/into). 3. to get old and shabby. 4. to drape, hang in folds. 5. slang to be worn out, be tired. 6. to be miserable, be in a miserable condition. dökülüp saçılmak 1. to spend money lavishly. 2. to undress, strip; to take off some clothes. 3. to unburden oneself, pour out one´s troubles.\"

e. to spill, to pour, to slop; to be shed; to be cast; to fall into ruin, to disintegrate; (ırmak) to flow into; to spill over

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə dökülmek sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki dökülmek sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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