
dağarcık nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə dağarcık nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. wallet

\"leather bag; repertory\"

\"1. leather pouch (carried over the shoulder by shepherds and hunters). 2. store of knowledge or information. 3. mus. repertoire. -ına atmak /ı/ 1. to store (something) away (in one´s memory). 2. to accept (a hard remark) without protest; to swallow (an insult) without protest. -ta bir şey kalmamak 1. to have used up all that one has. 2. to have run out of things to say. -ındakini çıkarmak to say something that one has prepared in one´s mind in advance. -ı yüklü (someone) who knows a lot, who is very knowledgeable.\"

a. leather bag; repertory

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