
boşalmak nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə boşalmak nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

v. empty, discharge, ejaculate, cum, cream, exhaust, drain away, drain off, teem

\"to be emptied; to be discharged; to uncoil; to become free; to become vacant; to get sth off one\'s chest; to ejaculate, to come off, to come\"

\"1. to become empty, empty; to become vacant. 2. (for a liquid) to run out (of a container); (for people, liquid) to flow out, stream out, pour out. 3. /a/ (for a river) to empty into (a sea). 4. (for a rope) to become slack. 5. (for a spring) to unwind. 6. to unburden oneself, unbosom oneself, let off steam. 7. (for a tethered or harnessed animal) to get loose. 8. colloq. (for a man) to come, ejaculate (during sexual intercourse). 9. colloq. (for a woman) to come, orgasm. \"

e. to be emptied; to be discharged; to uncoil; to become free; to become vacant; to get sth off one's chest; to ejaculate, to come off, to come

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