
zevk nədir, Türkcə nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə zevk nə mənasıdır? Türkcə - İngiliscə

n. bang, delectation, delight, enjoyment, fancy, good taste, gratification, gusto, indulgence, kick, like, liking, luxury, meat, pleasure, relish, savor, savour [Brit.], sweet, taste, treat
* * *
1. delight
2. enjoyment
3. pleasure
4. delight (n.)
5. relish (n.)

\"enjoyment, pleasure, delight, fun, indulgence, kick; taste, flavour; appreciation, good taste\"

\",-ki 1. pleasure, delight, enjoyment, fun, delectation. 2. good taste, taste, discrimination. 3. (a) taste, (a) preference, (a) liking. 4. sense of taste, gustation. - almak/duymak /dan/ to find pleasure in, take pleasure in, enjoy. -ine bakmak to enjoy oneself. -ini bozmak /ın/ 1. to spoil (someone´s) pleasure or fun. 2. to prevent someone from enjoying (something) properly. -ini çıkarmak /ın/ to enjoy (something) to the full. -ten dört köşe olmak to jump for joy, be overjoyed, be very happy. - edinmek /ı/ to learn to take pleasure in (something). - etmek to enjoy oneself, have fun. -ine gitmek /ın/ to give (someone) pleasure. - için for fun, for the fun of it. -ine mecbur (someone) who´s addicted to pleasure, who is a slave to pleasure. -ini okşamak /ın/ to give (someone) pleasure. -ine varmak /ın/ to discover the pleasure to be had from (something); to begin to enjoy (something). - vermek /a/ to give (someone) pleasure. \"

a. enjoyment, pleasure, delight, fun, indulgence, kick kon.; taste, flavour; appreciation, good taste zevk almak to enjoy, to find pleasure in, to derive pleasure (from), to relish zevk için for fun zevk ve sefa sürmek to lead a life of pleasure zevk vermek to give pleasure, to delight zevkini çıkarmak to glory in sth övg./hkr. zevkten dört köşe olmak to be as happy as lark, to be as happy as Larry

Türkcə - İngiliscə lüğətdə Türkcə zevk sözünün İngiliscə mənası nədir? Türkcə dilindəki zevk sözünün İngiliscə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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