a posteriori

a posteriori nədir, Fransızca nə məna gəlir, İngiliscə a posteriori nə mənasıdır? Fransızca - İngiliscə

a posteriori° [apɔsteʀjɔʀi]
adverbial phrase
adjectival phrase
after the event
• il est facile, a posteriori, de dire que ... it is easy enough, with hindsight, to say that ...
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locution adjective invariable [connaissances] inductive


locution adverbiale [se justifier, décider] after the event
a posteriori, il semblerait que — with hindsight, it would appear that
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apɔsteʀjɔʀi adv
after the event
a posteriori, ... — experience shows that ...
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a posteriori
A loc adj inv [connaissances] inductive.
B loc adv [se justifier, décider] after the event; a posteriori, il semblerait que with hindsight, it would appear that.

[apɔsterjɔri] adjectif invariable
a posteriori
[apɔsterjɔri] locution adverbiale
il est facile de juger a posteriori it\'s easy to be wise after the event

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