give (someone) credit (for something)

give (someone) credit (for something) nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, Türkcə give (someone) credit (for something) nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - Türkcə

(to acknowledge and praise (someone for a good piece of work etc): He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.) övmek, methetmek

(to acknowledge and praise (someone for a good piece of work etc): He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.) övmek, methetmek

(to acknowledge and praise (someone for a good piece of work etc): He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.) övmek, methetmek

(to acknowledge and praise (someone for a good piece of work etc): He was given credit for completing the work so quickly.) övmek, methetmek

İngiliscə - Türkcə lüğətdə İngiliscə give (someone) credit (for something) sözünün Türkcə mənası nədir? İngiliscə dilindəki give (someone) credit (for something) sözünün Türkcə dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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