
story nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, Türkcə story nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - Türkcə

n. hikâye, öykü, masal, rivayet, martaval, söylenti, efsane, makale, kat
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I [\'sto:ri]
plural - stories; noun
1) (an account of an event, or series of events, real or imaginary: the story of the disaster; the story of his life; He went to the police with his story; What sort of stories do boys aged 10 like?; adventure/murder/love stories; a story-book; He\'s a good story-teller.) öykü, hikâye
2) ((used especially to children) a lie: Don\'t tell stories!) yalan

- the story goes
- a tall story

II see storey


/'sto:ri/ a. öykü, hikaye; kon. masal, yalan, martaval; masal; makale; (birinin başından geçen) olay; Aİ. (binada) kat

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