
active nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, Norveç active nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - Norveç

1) (energetic or lively; able to work etc: At seventy, he\'s no longer very active.) aktiv, energisk, virksom
2) ((busily) involved: She is an active supporter of women\'s rights.) aktiv i, involvert i
3) (causing an effect or effects: Yeast is an active ingredient in bread-making.) virksom
4) (in force: The rule is still active.) gyldig
5) ((of volcanoes) still likely to erupt.) aktiv
6) (of the form of a verb in which the subject performs the action of the verb: The dog bit the man.)

- activeness
- actively

- activity


subst. \\/ˈæktɪv\\/ eller the active
(grammatikk) aktiv
adj. \\/ˈæktɪv\\/
1) aktiv, flittig
active member
aktivt medlem
2) (også militærvesen) virkende, virksom, i drift
an active volcano
en aktiv\\/virksom vulkan
the mine is still active
gruven er fremdeles i drift
3) livlig, levende
an active imagination
en livlig fantasi
4) (grammatikk) aktiv
active in aktivt med i
active in politics
politisk aktiv
the active voice (grammatikk) aktiv form

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