have an/the advantage (over)

have an/the advantage (over) nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, İtalyan have an/the advantage (over) nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - İtalyan

(to be in a better or more advantageous position (than): As she already knew French, she had an advantage over the rest of the class.) essere in vantaggio su, avere un vantaggio su

(to be in a better or more advantageous position (than): As she already knew French, she had an advantage over the rest of the class.) essere in vantaggio su, avere un vantaggio su

İngiliscə - İtalyan lüğətdə İngiliscə have an/the advantage (over) sözünün İtalyan mənası nədir? İngiliscə dilindəki have an/the advantage (over) sözünün İtalyan dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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