
God nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, İtalyan God nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - İtalyan

nome relig. dio m. (anche fig.)
nome proprio God
1) relig. Dio m.
so help me God — giuro davanti a Dio
a man of God — un servo di Dio
2) colloq.
God! — (exasperated) santo Dio! santo cielo! (surprised) oh Dio! cielo!
God forbid! — Dio non voglia!
God knows! — Dio solo lo sa!
God helps those who help themselves — aiutati che Dio, il ciel t\'aiuta
to put the fear of God into sb. — terrorizzare qcn., mettere una paura del diavolo a qcn.
to think one is God\'s gift — colloq. credersi chissà chi
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1) ((with capital) the creator and ruler of the world (in the Christian, Jewish etc religions).)
2) ((feminine goddess) a supernatural being who is worshipped: the gods of Greece and Rome.)

- godly
- godliness

- godchild

- goddaughter

- godson

- godfather

- godmother

- godparent

- godsend

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nome relig. dio m. (anche fig.)
nome proprio God
1) relig. Dio m.
so help me God — giuro davanti a Dio
a man of God — un servo di Dio
2) colloq.
God! — (exasperated) santo Dio! santo cielo! (surprised) oh Dio! cielo!
God forbid! — Dio non voglia!
God knows! — Dio solo lo sa!
God helps those who help themselves — aiutati che Dio, il ciel t\'aiuta
to put the fear of God into sb. — terrorizzare qcn., mettere una paura del diavolo a qcn.
to think one is God\'s gift — colloq. credersi chissà chi

İngiliscə - İtalyan lüğətdə İngiliscə God sözünün İtalyan mənası nədir? İngiliscə dilindəki God sözünün İtalyan dilindəki mənasını yuxarıda oxuya bilərsiniz.

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