
Gable nədir, İngiliscə nə məna gəlir, İtalyan Gable nə mənasıdır? İngiliscə - İtalyan

nome arch. timpano m., frontone m.
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(the triangular part of the side wall of a building between the sloping parts of the roof.) timpano
- gabled
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(Surnames) Gable /ˈgeɪbl/
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nome arch. timpano m., frontone m.

nome arch. timpano m., frontone m.
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(the triangular part of the side wall of a building between the sloping parts of the roof.) timpano
- gabled
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gable /ˈgeɪbl/ (archit.)
1 frontone; timpano
2 (= gable end) fastigio
3 (= gable wall) muro sormontato da un timpano
gable roof, tetto a doppia falda; tetto a due spioventi □ gable window, finestra del timpano; finestra sotto lo spiovente del tetto
1 (di edificio) munito di timpano (o timpani); timpanato; con tetto a due spioventi
2 (di tetto) a doppia falda (o a due spioventi) su timpano
piccolo frontone (o timpano).
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nome arch. timpano m., frontone m.

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